Voluntary Water Restrictions in effect in Ridgway! Nearly 50% of residential water use occurs outside your home. To check out some easy tips for conserving water outdoors, click HERE


Ordinances and Resolutions

2024 Ordinances

01-2024 Amending the Franchise Granted to San Miguel Power Association to Operate an Electric Power Utility within Town

2024 Resolutions

24-01 Adopting a Budget for the 2024 Calendar Year

24-02 Appropriating Sums of Money to the Various Funds

24-03 Adopting the Property Tax Levy for 2024

24-04 Amending the Standard Specification and Typical Drawings for Infrastructure Construction

24-05 Canceling the April Regular Election

24-06 Supporting Operation of SMART Commuter Bus Route within Ridgway

2023 Ordinances

01-2023 Extending Development Application Moratorium

02-2023 Extending Expiration Date of SMPA Franchise

03-2023 Amending Chapters 6, 7, and 8

04-2023 Repealing Emergency Ordinance 01-2022 and Moratorium

05-2023 Extending Expiration Date of SMPA Franchise

06-2023 Granting a Franchise to SMPA to Operate an Electric Power Utility within the Town of Ridgway

07-2023 Updating Floodplain Management Regulations

08-2023 Increasing the Rate of Lodging Tax and Revising the Use of the Proceeds Thereof

2023 Resolutions

23-01 Adopting Master Plan Amendment Process

23-02 Enacting Space to Create Community Room Fee Schedule

23-03 Acquire Real Property for a Recreational Trail

23-04 Canceling the April Regular Election

23-05 Opposition to Senate Bill 23-213

23-06 Supporting Updates to CC4CA Policy Statement

23-07 Release of Property Use Covenant

23-08 Creating a Workforce and Affordable Housing Committee

23-09 Adopting a Climate Action Plan

23-10 Extending Bruin Waste Franchise

23-11 Lodging Tax Ballot Question

23-12 Establishing a Fee Schedule for Land Use Applications

23-13 Extending Bruin Waste Franchise

2022 Ordinances

01-2022 Development Application Moratorium

02-2022 Amendments to Chapter 7 "Planning and Zoning"

2022 Resolutions

22-01 Amending Noxious Weed Management Policy

22-02 Athletic Park Pavilion Concession Area Fee Schedule

22-03 Police Procedures - Add Eyewitness Identification Policy

22-04 Interim Judges

22-05 Police Procedures - Add Officer Credibility Disclosure Notifications Policy

22-06 Sustainability Advisory Board

22-07 Regional Transportation Service

22-08 Amending Standard Specification and Typical Drawings for Infrastructure Construction

22-09 Adopting 2023 Budget

22-10 Appropriating Expenditures to Various Funds in 2023

22-11 Adopting Property Tax Levy for 2023

22-12 Amending Standard Specification and Typical Drawings for Infrastructure Construction

2021 Ordinances

01-2021 Amending Zoning Map - River Park Ridgway Business Park Filing 1

02-2021 Extending Temporary Amendments to Sign Regulations

03-2021 Amending Zoning Map - Lena St Commons PUD

04-2021 Sellers with No Physical Presence in Town

05-2021 Extending Temporary Amendments to Sign Regulations

06-2021 Landscape Regulation Updates

07-2021 Planning and Zoning Updates

2021 Resolutions

21-01 Supporting 30x30 Campaign

21-02 Canceling the April 6, 2021 Regular Election

21-03 Adopting 2020 Ouray County COVID-19 Economic Resiliency Study

21-04 Supporting Pause on Oil & Gas Leasing

21-05 Amending Hartwell Park Stage Fee Schedule

21-06 Climate Action Policy | Exhibit A

21-07 Amending the Commercial Design Guidelines

21-08 Adopting the National Incident Management System

21-09 Recognizing the Rights of Nature

2020 Ordinances

01-2020 Sign Regulations

02-2020 Temporary Amendments to Sign Regulations

03-2020 Housing Affordability

04-2020 Small Cell Regulations

05-2020 Extending Temporary Amendments to Sign Regulations

06-2020 Amending Planning Commission Term Expirations

07-2020 Enacting an Expiration Date for Use of Medical and Retail Marijuana Licenses

2020 Resolutions

20-01 Closing Town Facilities

20-02 Adopting Stormwater Master Plan

20-03 Officer Involved Shooting Policy

20-04 Face Coverings

20-05 Modified Applications

20-06 Amending Infrastructure Requirements

20-07 Reopening Town Facilities

20-08 Climate Action Policy

20-09 Youth Advisory Council

20-10 Adopting Stormwater Standards

20-14 Closing Town Facilities

2019 Ordinances

19-01 Town Council Compensation

19-02 Fee Schedule

19-03 Repeal Master Sign Plan

19-04 Amending Non-Residential Water Rates

19-05 Amending Plastic Bag Ordinance

19-06 Outdoor Lighting Regulations

19-07 Master Sign Plan Regulations

19-08 Water Service Rates

19-09 Adopting 2018 International Building Code

2019 Resolutions

19-01 Amending Plastic Bag Ordinance Effective Date

19-02 Personal Identifying Info Policy

19-03 Supporting House Bill 19-1113

19-04 Canceling Regular Election

19-05 Amending Personnel Manual

19-06 Fee and Penalty Schedules

19-07 Procurement Manual & Policy

19-08 Travel Reimbursement & Per Diem Policy

19-09 Colorado Communities for Climate Action

19-10 Clerk's Fees Schedule

19-11 Supporting "Proposition CC"

19-12 Supporting "Proposition DD"

19-13 Amending Police Procedures Manual  |  Sexual Assault Investigations Policy

19-14 Amending Personnel Regulations 

19-15 through 19-17 2020 Budget

19-18 Police Body Cameras

2018 Ordinances

18-01 UROD Zoning

18-02 Animal Resistant Trash Containers    Additional Information

18-03 Emergency Ordinance: Fire Restrictions

18-04 Black Hills Energy Franchise

18-05 Emergency Ordinance: Water Wasting

18-06 Water Service Rates

18-07 Plastic Bag Restriction | Options for Alternatives to Plastic Bags

2018 Resolutions

18-01 Conduct Elected Officials

18-02 Police Procedures

18-03 Cancelling Election

18-04 Creative District

18-05 Records Management

18-06 Water Conservation

18-07 Emergency Communication and Dispatch Services

18-08 Water Conservation Amendment

18-09 Opposing "Amendment 74"

18-10 Supporting "Proposition 110"

18-14 2019 Capital Improvements Plan

2017 Ordinances

17-01 Imprisonment Provisions

17-02 Railroad Depot Rezone

17-03 Short Term Rentals

17-04 Public Art

17-05 Leash Law

17-06 Property Purchase

17-07 Speed Limit

17-08 Telecomm. Towers

2017 Resolutions

17-01 Values & Vision

17-02 Short Term Rentals

17-03 Supplemental Budget

17-04 Conduct for Council

17-05 GOCO Grant

17-06 Budgeted Funds

17-07 Adopt Budget

17-08 Set Mill Levy