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Community Development

Community Initiatives

The Community Initiatives Facilitator plans, organizes and directs various initiatives and projects that bring the community together, nurture creativity and the local economy, and encourage historic preservation, such as the Ridgway Fuse, a Colorado Creative Main Street Program and Space to Create Ridgway.

Want to join the Community Initiatives Volunteer Team, aka the Ridgway Creative Main Street Group?  Contact the Community Initiatives Facilitator to discuss.


The Building Official is responsible for building permit processing, the issuance and review of applications, inspections of projects to ensure safety, and enforcement of the Building Code and Ridgway Municipal Code.

The Planner develops strategic land use planning in accordance with the Town’s Master Plan, Municipal Code, and land use decisions through the Planning Commission, informs Town land use policies, and works with the Building Department to process permits for new development.

How to Contact Staff

Tera Couchman Wick Community Initiatives Facilitator 970-626-5308 x. 215
Mike Gill Building Inspector 970-626-5308 x. 216
TJ Dlubac Contracted Planner 970-368-3114