Voluntary Water Restrictions in effect in Ridgway! Nearly 50% of residential water use occurs outside your home. To check out some easy tips for conserving water outdoors, click HERE


Town Manager

Our Team

Preston Neill, Town Manager

  • The Town Manager oversees the administration and management of the Town in accordance with policies determined by the Town Council.
  • Undertakes projects as directed by the Town Council.
  • Implements goals and objectives of the Town Council.
  • Responsible for intergovernmental relations, legislative affairs and negotiation of contracts and real estate acquisitions.
  • Provides public relations and acts as the information official for the Town.
  • Oversees budgetary, capital improvements planning and personnel matters consistent with Town Code and Town Charter.
  • Supervises Town organization and regularly consults with Town Attorney.

Town Manager's Reports

How to Contact Staff

Town ManagerPreston Neill 970-626-5308 x212pneill@town.ridgway.co.us