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The Ridgway Marshal's Office

Message from the Marshal

Here at the Ridgway Marshal’s Office, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve our citizens. Every day is a new adventure, and every moment provides us with a chance to learn. We offer guidance, and we seek answers. Our team converts challenges into opportunities, and we diligently pursue the skills it takes to better our abilities.

When we think of community, we are reminded of the bonds that we’ve formed in Ridgway. The relationships we share with our residents, our visitors and our public servants mean the world to us, so we’ve dedicated our lives to the protection of their well-being. We are here because we love Ridgway too, and we are here to help you.

- Marshal Shane Schmalz


Our Team

Marshal's Office Group Photo

The Marshal's Office consists of Marshal Shane Schmalz, Sergeant Ryan Hanson, Deputy Rachel DeFrancesco, Deputy Jim Duncan, and Deputy Brannon Hasler.

  • The Marshal's (Police) Office consists of the marshal, sergeant, deputies, and victim advocate, plus dispatchers, judge and court clerk who are contracted services with other agencies.
  • The department provides general law enforcement to maintain public peace and safety, protect life and property, and prevent crime.
  • The Office conducts investigations, apprehends violators of the law, provides patrol services, and enforces town regulations, state and federal statutes.
  • The Marshal's Office responds to requests for assistance, enforces traffic laws, and provides animal control enforcement.
  • It implements continuous officer training.
  • It maintains cooperative relations with adjoining and overlapping law enforcement jurisdictions, including the Ouray County Sheriff.
  • The Marshal's Office provides support to Ridgway School District.
  • The Office assists, as requested, in the enforcement of building and zoning code violations.

Law Enforcement Resources

Ridgway Municipal Code Chapter 15 - Traffic Regulations

2003 Model Traffic Code (Ordinance 10-01)

Ridgway Municipal Code Chapter 10 - General Offenses

Dog Regulations & Leash Law (2017 Update)


How to Contact Staff


Emergency 911 
Montrose Dispatch 970-249-9110 
Town Marshal

Shane Schmalz

970-626-5196, ext. 217


Ryan Hanson

970-626-5196, ext. 219
Deputy MarshalRachel DeFrancesco970-626-5196, ext.
Deputy MarshalJim Duncan970-626-5196, ext.
Deputy MarshalBrannon