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Recycling and Refuse Collection

Recycling Guide

The Town provides residential curbside, recycling and refuse collection. All services are provided by Bruin Waste Management and are billed by the Town of Ridgway. When collection days fall on a holiday, items will be picked up the following day. For questions call (970) 626-5308 x210. Collection services are not provided for commercial properties or multi-family residences over 8 units. Commercial and large multi-family complexes need to arrange their own trash and refuse collection.

Refuse & Recycling Collection Schedule


Tuesday--north side of Highway 62 and Vista Terrace
Friday--south side of Highway 62
For collection of large items contact Bruin Waste Management at (800) 559-2149.

Recycling is collected weekly on regular collection days. Only one bin is allowed per household, flattened cardboard is accepted. Bins can be obtained by calling Bruin Waste Management at 800-559-2149. For a complete list of recyclable items please see the Recycling Guide above.

Branch Collection
Residential curbside branch collection will be conducted by Town staff the first and third Wednesday of each month between May and September. The criteria for collection remain the same as prior years and are as follows:

  • Branches between 1" and 4" in diameter and 8 ft. in length will be accepted.
  • No willow branches, sage brush, yard clippings, twigs, noxious weeds, vegetation with thorns, dirt, trash, kitchen waste or anything contained in bags will be accepted.
  • Branches must be placed in the front yard by the street, not the alley, before 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.
  • This service is intended to facilitate small routine maintenance by homeowners. Professional arborist work, commercial properties, HOAs, and entire tree removals are not eligible for branch collection.